Evènement public de la chaire Internet Physique

La chaire Internet Physique organise son évènement public annuel le mardi 19 novembre 2024.

Il aura lieu à Mines Paris – PSL (60 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75006 PARIS).

Le programme est en cours d’élaboration.


Research in collaboration with Orange won the Best Sustainable Supply Chain Article Award by France Supply Chain

The paper “Cognitive digital twins for freight parking management in last mile delivery under smart cities paradigm” published on Computers in Industry in 2023, by

Yu Liu, Shenle Pan and Eric Ballot (CGS, Mines Paris, PSL University), and Pauline Folz, Fano Ramparany, Sébastien Bolle, Thierry Coupaye (Orange)

has won the Best Sustainable Supply Chain Article Award by France Supply Chain 2024.

The paper investigates how Cognitive Digital Twins (i.e., Digital Twins with augmented semantic capabilities) can enhance real-time knowledge of parking connectivity to optimize logistics operations planning and urban resource allocation. A case study of parcel delivery in Paris, using Orange’s Thing’in platform, demonstrates the real-world application and the social and environmental impacts of the research.


  • Liu, Y., Pan, S., Folz, P., Ramparany, F., Bolle, S., Ballot, E., Coupaye, T., 2023. Cognitive digital twins for freight parking management in last mile delivery under smart cities paradigm. Computers in Industry 153, 104022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2023.104022
  • Liu, Y., Pan, S., Folz, P., Hassan, T., Raipin-Parvedy, P., Ballot, E., 2024. Smart City Logistics Enabled by Digital Twins and Semantic Technologies, in: Borangiu, T., Trentesaux, D., Leitão, P., Berrah, L., Jimenez, J.-F. (Eds.), Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, pp. 420–429. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-53445-4_35
  • Liu, Y., Folz, P., Pan, S., Ramparany, F., Bolle, S., Ballot, E., Coupaye, T., 2021. Digital Twin-Driven Approach for Smart City Logistics: The Case of Freight Parking Management, in: Dolgui, A., Bernard, A., Lemoine, D., von Cieminski, G., Romero, D. (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. Springer International Publishing, pp. 237–246. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85910-7_25

Yaxin PANG is one of the five Young Author Award finalists at the IFAC INCOM2024 conference

Yaxin PANG, doctoral student, is one of the five Young Author Award finalists at the IFAC INCOM2024 conference in Vienna! More than 200 papers were presented during this international conference.

The thesis of Yaxin PANG is about : Physical Internet for Global Supply Network resilience. And she is under the supervision of Eric Ballot and Shenle Pan from the Chaire Internet Physique at CGS (Centre de Gestion Scientifique) – Centre de recherche de Mines Paris – PSL Université Mines Paris – PSL

Séminaire sur le thème “Internet Physique, expériences et perspectives

Ce séminaire présentera le concept de l’INTERNET PHYSIQUE et sera l’occasion de participer à un nouveau serious game sur le transport de marchandises actuel et collaboratif. Ce jeu Freight Transportation game est déjà joué dans plusieurs entreprises et universités en Europe et dans le monde. 

14h-15h: Présentation du concept et les travaux de recherche actuels
15h-17h: Atelier de jeux sérieux: comment IP rendre le transport de marchandises plus efficient ?
17h-18h: Débriefing et discussion
Date: Lundi 27 Mai 2019, entre 14h-18h
Lieu: MINES ParisTech, salle Chevalier (25 places)